Friday 15 September 2017

Tips to prevent lassa fever

Tips to prevent lassa fever
prevent lassa fever

 With the recent outbreak in some part of the country, here are some tips to prevent the deadly lassa fever,

  •       Kill all rats.

  •   Cover food and food stuff properly.

  •    Wash all utensils properly before use.

  •   Always maintain personal hygiene.

  •    Ensure that you cut all the bushes around your home to prevent the breading of the multimalmate rats that spreads the lassa fever.


Friday 9 June 2017

You and Your Future

You and Your Future

It is quite obvious that people fail to do their responsibilities and end up achieving nothing. Imagine what will be the result of a student that have examination and refuse to prepare before sitting for the exam. There are enough materials to prepare a great achievement for future. The youths who are supposed to think for their future abandoned it and started looking for violence. Is violent the major source of victory? The worst part of their action is “rape” which has brought a bad name to us. Does it mean that they have decided to place their lives in a violence way as a vantage? As a youth now how much important do we attach to our lives? We should be careful in our decisions because our decisions either make us or mar us. Your future involves more than having a career, it is the totality of your life. You must plan for your spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and social life. You can nothing about your past, it is gone into history, but you can do something about your future. It is yet to become a story. It is never too late to take the right step. You may ask that future is immaterial, how do I build or prepare what I can’t see? Your success lies on your hand. Develop your own and use it, make the most of yourself for that is all there is for you. Go as far as you can see, and when you get there, you will always be able to see further. Your minds acts on what you feed it. Be courageously challenged because encouragement is not the absence of fear, it is going ahead despite the fear, men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are feared but only men of character are trusted. When you break goals into increments and start controlling your time, things begins happening perhaps the gigantic merit of having goals or decision program is the freedom that goes with having directions. When your goals are clearly defined and your decision is intelligently set or taken, you have in essence taken a major step toward programming your left brain and that frees your right brain to be its creative best. It is in this your potential creativity that you will plan your future. It seems universally true that people who have direction in their lives go further and faster and move done in all sphere of their lives. It is a fact of life that you need to know where you are and where you are going as well as how to get where you want to be. Say YES to the best, you reap what you sow now in the future. It is not what happens to you that determines how far you go in life, but it is what you do with what happen to you. One reason people do not develop and use their talent is “denial” second reason is “procrastination” which attracts the word “Someday I will”. You are mature enough to delay gratification and shift your focus from your rights to your responsibilities.
Responsibilities and commitment are key element in meeting obligations. The responsible student who has made a commitment to do a course or perform a task is going to follow through on the commitment to fulfill his or her responsibility. That is a major key to success in personal, family and business life.
In conclusion, when you turn to God, you discover He has been facing you all time. He is the key to our future, do not fail to live by His words because God has a part to play in your future, and if you work on your goals, your goals will work on you.   

Tuesday 31 January 2017



The word ‘eager’ according to English dictionary means excited by desire in the pursuit of any object ardent to pursue, perform or obtain. On the other hand ‘for tomorrow means towards or on the day after present/now.
So when I talk about eager for tomorrow, I meant an enthusiastic and interesting future that paves way for achieving a better tomorrow. In our lives today, things are not moving in an appropriate and normal way as it ought to be, why? Because of corruption, indiscipline wickedness etc. a negative introduction has been brought into our nation by satan which is poverty.
Take a look at the governance in Nigeria today both in states and other institutions, my fellow youth!  Are we to remain like this? What do you think that is going to be the result after present, look at our graduate no employment, no basic amenities, good roads, drinking water and right to life.

It has been made clear that prosperity does not come by gentility but by war, no family becomes rich by working, you become rich by warring your way through. And talking about riches I am not talking about having two or three cars parked in your garage but being stupendously rich. It takes humility and God the Maker. So I think we shall look for a way of reversing this kind of life which is ‘Eager for a well again tomorrow’. You don’t wish yourself out of poverty; you fight yourself out of it. I think every youth should war better towards his/her career in life. There are some straggles for achieving a better career in life.

First and foremost is to know who you are; you are whom you are because of what you know if you know better you become well. You know your self-determination thus; develop a healthy self-image (Esteem). View yourself as a performing person, be proud of yourself and always believe that you can do reasonable things.
Have a very strong good orientation.

Have a right mental attitude. We must have one of the key to success which is education, with this I don’t think there is any door in life that you may not be able to open. So, am advising one another especially our youth to realize that youth age is the age of determination and our determination is our life. When we have good determination and war towards it, we are assured to achieve a better tomorrow and our tomorrow will shine, no matter the obstacles we may pass though in life. And society today will become a better one. Thanks!

Sunday 13 November 2016



  • Life is change                             you must meet it
  • Life is a risk                             you must take it
  • Life is a sorrow                         you must bear it
  • Life is a problem                       you must overcome it
  • Life is a gift                             you must accept it
  • Life is tragedy                          you must boycott it
  • Life is a game                          you must play it
  • Life is a duty                           you must perform it
  • Life is an opportunity                you must use it
  • Life is a song                          you must sing it
  • Life is a promise                      you must fulfill it
  • Life is a journey                      you must complete it
  • Life is a beauty                       you must admire it
  • Life is a case                           you must win it
  • Life is a war                           you must fight it
  • Life is a puzzle                        you must solve it
  • Life is work                            you must do it
  • Life is a goal                          you must achieve it
  • Life is hardship                       you must endure it


Sunday 28 February 2016


“Ideas are near wealth in natural sense that if transformed and developed becomes a product of wealth itself”
“Wishes and feelings are conceptual in natural sense” But when transformed into tangible expression can be felt, touched and seen.
Many a times in our lives, are thoughts, ideas, dreams, desire that keep on our boggling our minds, a feeling and conviction in as that something is possible but the inability to transform these ideas, good thoughts and dream make many to remain poor and stagnant in life, and if those thoughts and ideas are transformed becomes great riches and wealth.
We should know that when our thoughts and ideas can come through in physical, it brings us fame and fortune.    It is certain in life that no one wants to be poor, it is also certain that only those who are able to transform and develop their dreams attain true greatness.
You too can do that!!!
Do not change your dreams towards actualizing your goal.
See the three (3) basic things that can turn down your dreams:
INDISCIPLINE: Indiscipline has been one of the major factors that have turned down so many dreams.      It is said by King Solomon, the wisest of his days that there is time for everything.   
Note this; “it is a high mental work to develop a dream” Many youth today have replaced the time for work with merriment. A disciplined man is moved by the value of what he wants in life and not the kind of life and things that surrounds him. If we really need things to happen in our lives, then there is a need for us to be disciplined. Indiscipline brings us down. We can see today that so many of our  youths today have turned down their opportunity by choosing to be armed-robbers, hood-lums and political thugs because we have refused to discipline ourselves to do something.
FEAR: This means False Evidence Appearing Real.
 Your attitude towards failure determines your altitude for prosperity. When you are afraid of failing things, it simply means that you are not qualified to achieving that same thing you look forward to achieve. Successful men are men that do not give up even when they are failing. Look for instance, Thomas Edison shortly before inventing the light bulb. He failed 3,000 times in an attempt to make the light bulb work. He admitted in his mind that he will never give up; rather he had successfully identified 3,000 ways that will not work.
The fear of criticism rubs you of your initiative and destroys your imagination. You can overcome the fear of criticism by refusing to worry about what others say, think or do about you.
Be Yourself!!!
Lack of divine intervention/support:
Wealth, riches are gifts that can be obtained by two main sources God or Satan.
For you to be successful in life there is a need that you seek divine intervention. It stands as a rule that protects you from enemy’s arrow. So many dreams and ideas of our youth today have fallen because of insecurity. It is right that you seek for true source of riches and greatness that demands no diminishing return which is GOD.

Thursday 27 August 2015



The positive factor that will make you to get financial freedom is to develop specific habits of saving. Savings possibly occur by budgeting, planning and controlling of incomes. Self-made millionaires today learned and practiced these habits, and as a result of this, are reaching financial freedom. Learn these four basic facts today on how to save money and be free from financial crisis forever.

MAKE A CASH FLOWING PROJECTION: First, you have to make a cash flowing projection as to know what you are spending on. This will enable you to avoid buying what you don’t need or impulsive purchase.  
One can ask, “how can I start saving?”, the answer is simple, even as an apprentice, you can save as small percentage of your payment, as possible, Parents can start saving for their children by keeping aside as little money   as they can.

SPEND LESS TO SAVE MORE: You should spend less to save more, even as a student, you can save small percentage of your allowances as you can to show exemplary surprise to your parents/guidance by solving some of your problems especially when they are financially choked up. As a businessman or woman, you can start saving by minimizing some merriment activities and by putting aside some parts of your profits into savings, be it daily, weekly or monthly. In fact, as a business lady I am writing based on experience which is said to be one of the best teachers.
To analyze it properly, if one can save one hundred naira (#100) daily, in a month time, he or she will have about three thousand naira (#3,000) and in a period of one year would save about thirty-six thousand naira (#36,000). If assuming the saver is a student running a five years program in the university, you would stand a chance of saving one hundred and eighty thousand naira (#180,000) at graduation which would go along way in taking care of you before being employed. Comparing the above analysis with an apprentice earning up to forty thousand naira a month (#40,000) whom can save fifteen thousand naira monthly (#15,000) or a businessman or woman earning up to two thousand naira profit daily, whom you know can save up to one thousand naira (#1,000) daily, it would be obvious that the estimation would be very much higher than could be imagined. Hence would help change the life of the savers.

IMPROVE YOUR FINANCE: As you save one percent of your income, then you raise your savings rate to two percent of your income. Invest on things that can yield fruits, I mean business that can give you more money. When you become comfortable at that level you increase it to five percent and when you eventually make it to thirty percent, within one or two years you will find yourself improving your finances and living a comfortable life. Bear in mind millionaires today spent less and invested more they are very careful in terms of spending money.

LOVE TO SAVE YOUR MONEY: Develop the habit to save money and love it. Successful business men today learn to love saving. If you want to become a millionaire you must cultivate the habit of loving to save money. If you don’t love to save, you will lose to invest more. Do not look upon saving as a punishment or a waste of time and associate spending with joy. It would end up your life miserable. Note that human being are full of creative minds every mind is to move away from pain to pleasure from discomfort to comfort in all moving out of poverty to become millionaires and billionaires. According to Abraham Lincoln a great philosopher, poverty is not lack of knowledge but lack of information and I add that poverty is not only lack of information but lack of application of information. That is why this basic fact of how to save money is written here for our readers. Therefore you are urged to sit up to cultivate the habit of saving for the betterment of your life for today and tomorrow.